Friday 3 February 2012

What we do with this gift called "LIFE"

So here I am inspired to start a blog. It seems to be the "in" thing these days. Followers or not, I think its an awesome platform to express oneself. So here is. My blog. My "express-your-heart-out" spot.
Maybe its a good idea to start off with what I do know. A little about me. A little about my "life".
I am married to a wonderful, dedicated, hard working man. He is special. He is not really like other men, but I love him for who he is, for his differences, for his persistance to just be who he believes he is. We have a beautiful daughter whom we love dearly. She is stubborn, she calls for a lot of attention and she loves animals and all things beautiful. I am a child of God and believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour, and I fail from time to time, but I am committed to serving Him and to doing all things for His glory.
I work for Zenith Adventures - the company my husband owns - as the head events manager (sleeping with the boss does matter!). We also manage a Christian conference venue called Ebenezer Farm. This is about 100km from where we grew up and away from our friends and family. Yes, its not across the world, but in a little isolated place as this, it gets lonely just being Andrew, Scarlett and I with our staff during the day. I have used Facebook as a companion, to share with friends and family, and to keep up to date with friends and family.
Now you know what I know. This blog is about what I dont know. Its about the questions I have about life, the concerns I have, the decisions I need to make. Its a vent. Venting, crying, praying and writing all help for me to find the answer. Not always the answer I'm looking for, but the godly answer I need.

Everyday we wake up, the sun is faithfully shining (even if a few clouds are blocking its rays from reaching us). How do you decide to get out of bed? Whats the first thing you do when the alarm goes off? What is your mindset for facing the gift, the day ahead?

Yeah, I said it, the gift. I have been challenged lately with something so simple yet so intricate. Jesus loves us so much that He allows the sun to follow its path to turning the dark into light. He loves us so much that He allows us to complete our sleep cycle and awake as the sun rises and He presents us with a whole new day. A day where maybe you have a few things scheduled, but the future, although it may be planned, is no guarentee. There are no promises that you will get to your 10 o clock at 10 o clock. What's gonna happen between now and then? And how does our attitude affect what happens between now and then? How does the way we wake up affect what happens between now and then? And is "then" even guarenteed? What if we don't make it to "then"? What if "then" never happens?

So with this challenge I have tried my best to change my morning routine. I endeavour to spend time with my Lord first, in His word. I can't lie, 90% of the time I wake up with a frown. My first thought is "Scarlett please stop crying" and then I think "Oh do I have to get up? Do I have to go through with this day" Its not a good thing, and it effected my life negatively. Since committing to spending time with the Lord before  I do anything else has made a huge impact on my life. His word and His presence transforms the way I think and feel about the day ahead. No the day is not always perfect but I think I start it right for me.

As the day proceeds, I am faced with a lot of free will. Working for my husband enables that. What I do with my time is essential. What you do with your time is essential. But what do we do with our time that is eternal? What do we do with our time that will make a difference? What do we do with our time that contributes to the big picture? What do we do with this gift called "life" that has been presented to us from the moment we open our eyes? And does it really matter?

More than right now, on earth, is not guarenteed to us. What are you doing now? In some crazy way, my now being spent writing this, is helping me gain focus, or maybe its shifting my focus, but its bringing rest to a very stressed out soul.

What I dont know is : "is what I am doing now a good sign to God that I am being a good steward of the now He has given me?"

How about you?

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